A cute dog. Usually a bulldog or Shar pei
Oh look at that poot! That’s a cute poot!
by Ogyogurt July 28, 2018
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A less impressive nut, often given by insecure men
"I'm so disappointed, i was expect him to nut all over my face, but all I got was a Poot"
by TinySteve May 1, 2019
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a sound to describe dissapointment, or a sound to describe when your not expecting something bad. eg. being unexpectedly shouted at
Mum: sorry kids we cant go to the cinema today
kids: poot

Girlfriend: how are u today babe?
girlfriend: poot!
by DinkyDizzy May 8, 2005
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A fart, with which comes the uncertianity of taking a shit simultaniously.
O god, I think I'm going to poot!
by The nazi of Yatzee November 8, 2002
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The act of pooping in the process of a toot.
Fag: Ha Ha dude watch this.

Other Fag: What dude.

Fag: ptttt(oh crap)I just pooted!!!

Other Fag: Awsome!!!
by Shad Barley March 10, 2008
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1) a poop fart combonation
2) a stupid person
3) something fun to say whille ur stoned
1) yo i jsut did a big poot
2) your beeing a poot face 100
3) poot magoot
by scoots November 8, 2004
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