Any large group of beings or objects massed in one specific area, enough to alarm someone to their presence.
Jim: "i went to go get a banana, but the mongol horde of fruit flies had already swarmed them!"
by The Mong Mangler May 26, 2015
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one who likes the cock, and/or enjoys riding the penis. you only refer to gay people as cock mongol's, or large sluts.
that faggot nick amen is a cock mongol
by nud ronoc February 1, 2005
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the definition of remakeing the mongol empire is exorbing 99% of asia and raiding erope,africa and north america then get your ass beat by a tifune in japan
im gonna start remaking the mongol empire
by supermoron92 May 22, 2022
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Noun; An insult. Usually just a random insult, unless they do infact destroy penis and queef very often. Usually used towards females, but can be used towards a male if chosen to.
Person 1: "Aww man that girl's a wicked bitch!"

Person 2: "She's a cock mongoling queef burger!"
by TheSavageSquid June 1, 2010
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A very offensive Quebec French term for a person born suffering either from fetal alcohol syndrome and/or downe's syndrome
If someone calls you a mongole, tell them they are a Chernobyl bantling
by Sexydimma June 20, 2021
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Completely stoned.
I'm mongoled of this blunt.
by Mongooseog October 29, 2018
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Before the age of Political Correctness when John Langdon Down's was a physician, Down's Syndrome, the genetic condition that he was named after was called Idiot Mongolism.
by Viscount Druitt November 5, 2021
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