The term used on first and/or second dates to make your date feel confused and uncomfortable, (but will make them feel special and jazzed) to the point that they will feel that they will have to "put out" and tell their other friends that they did "The Egg roll"
Girl- So if you think you're getting any.. we will see.."
Guy- Oh yeah? Well, "With Six, you get Egg Rolls"
Girl- I'm so turned on..I think.. and lets skip the movie..
by Dave70 April 23, 2006
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a unique sex position in which the two peole are able to roll over eachother and end up back where they started.
best performed in water.
sallly- we went for a late night swim, and ended up doing the rolling egg. Quite enjoyable
by bigsalllldog January 30, 2009
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The action of stealing a deaf persons' hearing aid and putting it in an anal cavity, pulling it out and putting it on your ear while fucking an Asian.
by bennybuckets November 6, 2019
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When a man is getting busy with a woman using soy sauce as lube, and using an egg roll as the member.
I gave her the oldirty egg roll.
by AJ38 December 10, 2021
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When a guy is way too drunk to get it up so he gets an Asian prostitute to peg him furiously from behind .
This whiskey Dick is the worst ...Do you want to just give me an Irish Egg Roll?
by Tony Bananas November 21, 2020
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