daneli is a nice person that thinks about everyone she will stand on your side no matter what. she usually has long dark brown hair her eyes are brown and shiny and some boys would like to be her bf. she is the type of person that is weird in a cool and cute way. daneli is also the one who won't get jelous at anyone. when she has a bf she blushes a lot either when she gets kissed or when her friends tell her to kiss him. she also thinks her bf is cute and always wants to be with him but usually dosen't because she thinks she will embarrass herself. overall daneli is one of the most important people in your life and one of the funninest to
GIRL ONE: daneli god what is wrong with you

DANELI: everything is wrong with me
GIRL TWO:ok....
by him,her,unknown... October 11, 2018
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A Dane is a type of duck, commonly linked with the fear anatidaephobia.
Wow, I feel as though I'm being watched by a dane.
by Mr Mcquackles February 19, 2017
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to bang 3 girls at once, not to be confused with the "double dane", a complicated talent that requires you to bang 4 chicks at once.
"Dude, I daned those chicks last night" - Tyler Pearson
by A pop fuckin tarts H August 25, 2008
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He’s a sweetheart, open minded, and independent. You can always depend on him for anything and everything. You’ll smile when he’s around and laugh at everything he does. He’s confident and brave.
Dane: * helps her out *

girl: oh no i think i’m catching feelings and i don’t know.
by - his truly 💓 October 13, 2019
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He’s very nervous around people he doesn’t know but around friends he seems almost high. He is more Christian than many know. He is very cute and makes many sexual jokes around guys.
Yo I just saw Dane praying

Really what the hell I thought he was super high last night

My man
by Dale Brady January 29, 2022
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Ronald threw the paper towels at my dane! Hes lucky it wasnt hard, the towels I mean!
by Limblessless August 24, 2006
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