The act of recieving head, but just before you ejaculate, you pull out and shoot it in her eye. Then you proceed to pull out some of her pubes, throw them on her face, and then kick her in the shins, thus making her hobble around on one leg whilst screaming aggg. She will without doubt be angry, thus making her an angry pirate.
One day i gave this chick a dirty-pirate. i laughed.
by Fast Pirate May 1, 2005
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When someone with a hook shaped penis gives anal sex to another person angrily.
I gave her the Angry Pirate last night! I smashed her Arrrrrrrsehole
by Tek Tonic January 22, 2019
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Girl is giving you blowjob but you tell her you don't want to finish her mouth (play the nice guy angle). Instead, you hold her head close as you finish in her eye (right eye preferable). As she stumbling around like a drunken hobo, you kick her in the shins really hard. As you're running away, peek over your left shoulder. If you've done everything right, you should see an angry pirate!
Yargh! I gave your sister the old angry pirate last night!
That hummer I got from my gf y'day was sooooooo amazing, I squirted in her face by accident. Then to cover it up I gave her an angry pirate.
by Timbck June 22, 2014
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the girl's balls deep in you, and you pull out and nut in her eye, she quickly puts her hand over it (similar to an eyepatch) then you stomp on her foot and she bounces around on one leg going arrrrrrg! arg! arg! (similar to a pirate with an eyepatch and a peg leg)

If you really want to go for the K-O, try combining it with the philly-fakeout
it's pretty self explainitory. Do the angry pirate
by daveissolame April 2, 2007
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To ejaculate into someone's eye, and to kick them in the shin as they attempt to clean it out with something so that they hop on one leg cover their eye and yell like a pirate.
" dude I angry pirated her last night!, it was awesome! "
by XodusFate December 14, 2014
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When you are getting head from a girl and before you cum you shoot your jizz in her eye so she covers her eye and makes an arrrrrgh sound. then you kick her in the shin so she's hopping. then lastly you bend one of her index fingers so she has a hook. no here's the point where you laugh and leave.
i shot this girl all in her eye and kicked her hard in the leg and bent her finger and laughed hysterically she thought it was mean.
by chris February 25, 2005
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An Angry Pirate is when you jizz in a chick's eye (any one), and kick her in the knee; causing he to cover her eye while hopping around on one leg. The covered eye represents an eye-patch, and the hopping represents a wooden/peg-leg. Thus creating an angry pirate.

A Super Angry Pirate, is when you cum on the chick's back, while she's in her slumber. Then place a bed-sheet on her back, and when she wakes up the sheet would be crust-stuck onto that bitch's back, representing the cape which Superman flies around in. Thus creating the Superman.

Now, put the two together.. Superman that hoe, then Angry Pirate her; thus creating a Super Angry Pirate! Now thats what I call a fucking Kodak Moment.
Dudeeeeeee, when ______ fell asleep, I Super Angry Pirate'd that bitch!
AWESOME! What'd she do when she recovered!?
She cried for a bit, but I just kicked her in the knee again and told her to get the fuck back in the kitchen.
by dmf_btt April 9, 2008
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