This town may seem ghetto and greasy and flat out broke from the outside but if you look down deeper you'll relize.. Thats what it really is.
Yo dawg I live in da South Side of Terrell, Texas dawg!
by BabyShark. December 25, 2010
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An NFL player who is the most well known football player even though he is a WR. He also owns the media.
Terrell Owens breathed at the wrong time and it was all over ESPN
by O Squared August 31, 2006
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Wide Receiver for the Eagles, once with the 49ers. His resume includes excessive celebration, watching Ms. Sheridan drop her towel, put the football on the star...twice, sign the football with a sharpie, mock Ray Lewis, tear down signs in Cleveland, put the ball on a different star, and usually can initiate fights from opposing players based on his action.
I think the media overdoes Terell Owens. There are better wideouts than him.
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1. An Excuse to fill sports coverage air time.

2. A Terrell Owens is like a dancing bear. Its like the kid at recess you throw quarters at and watch him pick them all up, then blast him in the head with a quarter while hes bent over.

3. An attention whore. Terrel Owens is a prime example of the episode of Spongebob Square Pants when Spongebob Square pants keeps ripping his pants for laughs.
Terrell Owens attempted Suicide for attention.
by DrMeanDudeMD October 8, 2006
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Actual TO quote: "I want more money. waaaaaaaaaah. You're not giving me the football enough. waahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm Terrell Owens. waaaaaaaaaaaah."
by silentmichael June 6, 2007
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A small ass place were their is nun thing but ugly ass bitches and niggas and stinks ass hoes
Terrell tx people are so MF nasty
by Lulu martinez December 25, 2016
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Trully the most controversial player in the NFL, but also happens to be the best wide receiver in the NFL. Has a long history of upsetting many players and fans. He now plays for the Dallas Cowboys after being banned from playing for the Philadelphia Eagles. Terrell Owens is a cocky *** son of a ***** , but you gotta love him.
Cowboy's Fan 1: Did you see Terrell Owens score that touchdown against Philadelphia and then flap his arms like an Eagle?
Cowboy's Fan 2: Yea man that was awesome. He showed them what's up.
by Andrew Big-D November 6, 2007
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