when two men convince a female to participate in a devils three way. And proceed to slap hands and fill the vaginal and anal cavities with their penises.

Dude, lets bust a tag team takedown on that MILF
by i#vag April 16, 2009
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n. a hooking up strategy where two guys take turns playing wingman to keep it even.
How 'bout tag team wingman tonight at the club?
by theunknowngl October 17, 2004
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Much like the Canadian Tag Team, when you are fucking a girl and you pull out and let another guy go in. Then you run to go get dressed without letting her know that some other guy is fucking her. You then proceed to walk in and see her reaction when she finds out another guy is fucking her.
by sweatyNready January 8, 2014
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An Irish Tag Team is when you have a threesome with your best friend and a motherly figure.
This is open to members of both sexes, and the best friend can be of both sexes as well. The motherly figure does not have to be related, just a motherly figure.
an Irish Tag Team has parts kinda similar to some plot points from

Y tu mamá también
by Thirtyfivestudio July 16, 2009
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When two people take turns dropping a hot carl on a third party. MOST common between brothers, but many people enjoy TTD.
"Hey there brother David, do you think your girlfriend would be interested in some TTD (tag team dumping) I've been hankering for pooping on a chest and we haven't spent much time together lately."
by Drecreep March 31, 2017
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A variation of Beef Wellington. Two teams of two male contestants wrap their flaccid penises in kitchen-grade plastic wrap. The match begins with one contestant from each team standing face to face. Their inactive teammates stand off to the side (ideally behind a set of elastic ropes). The two active contestants take turns slapping the other contestant's plastic wrapped penis with an open hand. The first contestant that gets a full erection loses. However, if one contestant believes that they may be close to getting an erection, they may tag their teammate in to the match by slapping them with their plastic wrapped penis on the outer thigh. The outgoing contestant must leave the match, but is eligible to return once they are completely flaccid again.
"Hey bro! Are you getting an erection? Tag me in! It's Tag Team Beef Wellington!"
by Esor December 20, 2013
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