not talking to a boy,talking about boys, or dating a boy
Ella Kate: Did you talk to Derick about yalls relationship?
Isabella: no, I told him I was boy sober.
by aly$$a_ November 2, 2017
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The point in a relationship when you are officially dating someone even if you haven't had the 'are we dating' conversation. Several drunken sleepovers may have occured at this point but once a Tuesday rolls around, you watch a movie together, and have a alcohol free are dating.
Ben: How are things with Julie? You've been hanging out a ton. Are you all dating yet?
Rich: Good, but no way we've only hung out 3 or 4 times.
Ben: Have you had a sober sleepover?
Rich: Um...yeah.
Ben: Dude, you're totally dating.
by bhl1677 December 11, 2009
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The point of drunkedness where you are so drunk that you believe you are sober.
Person A: Guys, I think we've had a lot to drink.
Person B: nah've just hit your sober patch.
by nycanuck April 17, 2013
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A sober birthday is the day that marks the end of a person’s addiction. Some individuals will use the last day that he or she used drugs to mark his or her sober birthday, or the day after the last time they used.

Most of all, a sobriety birthday (also known as a sobriety anniversary, sober anniversary, recovery anniversary, or sobriety milestone) also serves as a reminder of the progress you've made, and the new life an addict has chosen for themselves.
It’s my sober birthday today and I’ve been 12 years clean. I’m going to go out with my friends and have a nice meal and mocktails.
by greentrashcan November 6, 2022
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To hook up with inebriated women while sober. Derived from
Dude how did you get in her pants so quickly, you must be a sober assassin.

harry told me he was being a sober assassin last night when he fucked kelsey.
by tuchman1 June 25, 2009
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Someone who wants to rage their fucking face off but can't
and has to watch over the event.
Power Savage had to be a sober monitor at the rager because he was too power hungry at chapter meeting.
by princessfratdaddy December 8, 2011
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when shit gets mad serious and you need to act 100% clean and sober.
Oh fuck, sober moment guys. I spilt the beer on my moms bed
by negro hero July 27, 2009
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