The act of going out drinking purely to catch yourself a woman of small stature, 4'6" and less.
Dude that guy should just go Smurfing
by Naraic72 January 18, 2011
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UN Soldiers, Term derived from the characteristic blue helmets.
Oh great, here come the Smurfs.
by wodnerduck October 2, 2004
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meth heads or associates of meth heads that go around different drugstores to buy pseudoephedrine to sell to those cooking crystal meth
guy 1: gotta hit up angie and pete before we cook the crystal
guy 2: why?
guy 1: they're smurfs bro, they got all the pseudo we need
by domingo_girl August 15, 2011
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Means fucked. Etymologically derived from the fact that the word fuck is used as all parts of speech. For example, "I'm going to fucking fuck your fuck-nut face up you fuckity fuck-wad." Similarly, Smurfs would use Smurf with the same versatility. For example, "Gargamel, I'm going to smurfing smurf your smurfing smurf-nosed face, and then smurf your cat Azriel."
Person1: So you really like this guy?
Person2: Yeah, he's not insane, smart, has a job, and he smurfed me like a school-girl.
by scott trowbridge July 8, 2006
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Term used in online gaming to signify a famous person playing games under a fake name. Term was coined by Warcraft legend "Shlonglor."
We lost to those smurfs: they were better than we thought they would be.
by GringoSuperStar June 3, 2003
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My friend Smurfed me on my porch when i wasnt looking....
by Jenny September 6, 2004
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When an attractive girl sends you all the signals that will make you think that you totally and absolutely will sleep with her that night and it never happens for no definitive reason, resulting in the condition known as blue balls.
Guy 1: Dude, I'm totally making out with this chick at the bar. I am so taking her home!
Guy 2: Awesome!
2 minutes later...
Guy 1: The chick just left! I thought she was gonna sleep with me!
Guy 2: Sorry dude, you just got smurfed!
by Tongman December 27, 2013
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