When you take a Giant bong hit (min. of 75cm),blow the inhaled smoke into a ballon,pass it to an acquaintance and ,,slingshoot'' the smoke down his throat.
He just took the slingshot of death and now he is fucked beyond fucked up...
by SweatyBallSack69 July 13, 2016
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When a male, just before orgasm, pulls their sexual partner’s Covid mask away from their face and ejaculates all over the inside of the mask before letting it go and allowing the cum filled mask to slingshot back into their partner’s face.
“My tinder date last night insisted on wearing her Covid mask during intercourse so when I came I gave her a nice Covid slingshot to the face. Poor thing had her mouth open and took a ballistic cum shot to the throat that had her choking up semen for the rest of the night.”
by MChamm3r January 20, 2022
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Like the Chevy Corvette, its a popular choice of vehicle for men going through a midlife crisis, except whilst the Corvette is for old White guys, the Slingshot is for middle aged men of all races.

Often times the drivers of these motorized tricycles have “fade” haircuts or are bald, they’ll sport a flat billed name-brand cap and have some color tinted aviators. They’ll drive around major social areas like hotels, colleges, landmarks blasting rock or rap music hoping to score some women.

It can be said the Polaris slingshot is a midlife crisis mobile for wiggers.
John: yo whats poppin dawg my new polaris slingshot I drive around high schools checking out chicks yo
by Connor4333 February 21, 2023
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Take a used condom, put it between two fingers, pull back with the opposite hand stretching the condom in the loaded position, aim, finally let that mutha fucka fly.
Ricky was on some dumb shit today so I got 'em upside the face with a bukkake slingshot. Dumb son of a bitch.
by BrownJ March 11, 2017
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A maneuver done during sexual intercourse, usually after orgasm. The male anally penetrates the female in a doggy style or bent over fashion, then pulls out his penis, taps his partner on the shoulder to get her to turn around, and then pulls his erection back and lets go, flicking onto the face of his partner a combination of pheses, semen, and whatever other miscellanious fluids, solids, gasses, or occasionally plasmas may be present on the penis at that time.
"So I heard Robby was taking it in the ass from his owner last night!"

"That's not all, when Sam was done with him she hit him with a Guatemalan Slingshot!"

"Well, you know... it's gotta end with you looking like a bitch."
by BrazillianButtFartFetish September 22, 2008
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When a driver is released from or breaks through a traffic obstruction and accelerates excessively as if to make up for lost mileage. As the driver is restrained by some traffic obstruction, tension builds. When the obstruction is removed, the driver "slingshots" forward, releasing the tension.
Frankie was unfortunate to get caught behind a bunch of blue hairs when church let out. When he finally got to his turn-off, he experienced the slingshot effect and drove like he was in NASCAR the rest of the way home.
by beer snob April 29, 2007
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Is the act of conducting a chinese padlock, placing one's penis in one's own arse, subsequently developing an erection. This in turn causes the penis to slingshot out, releasing fecal matter.
John was so well hung that has was able to fuck himself in the arse and do a turkish slingshot.
by slingshotter June 27, 2011
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