An expression used to describe a feeling of being overwhelmed by something unnecessarily complicated or hard.
I can't let go of my ex because we have so many things in common and we have been in each other's lives for so long, but I really love you and want to build a future with you.

- Omg you are so hopeless! I want to shit my pants...
by little.piece.of.cow.poo April 28, 2018
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driving extra slow and cautious as not to smear the shit around any more, not really wanting to get where you are going because you have a shit stain on your pants
that guy in the Prius is driving like he shit his pants
by llvdoc September 6, 2017
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An expression used to signify the upmost disregard to ones appearance, respectability and the general outward impression given in social gatherings. A lack of desire to impress. Also can refer to a lack of sobriety.
YOU: Hey, check out Fergie flossin' over by the bar. She is so glamorous!

ME: Fuck that bitch, I'm just here to shit my pants.
by ewol May 15, 2007
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a bass drop in a song, usually from the dubstep genre, that causes all in attendance to shit their pants.
bro #1: were you at that concert last night?! I heard there was a pants shitting bass drop
bro #2: yeah man! Borgore dropped the beat so hard that I shit myself multiple times!
by animaux January 2, 2012
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Jim: Dude, I just hooked up with your sister!
Jeff: Seriously?! What the hell man! Are you shitting in my pants?!

Jim: >_> <_<... no
by Shinaynay January 14, 2008
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