One that is of a chunky weight. Guy from K.C. everyone wants to be like. Is the ony and true lord
by Pudgery September 26, 2003
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Fatty from KC whos cooler than buttered toast
Pudge is my Jesus
by Jerry Garcia December 6, 2003
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A clingy weird guy who liked a girl and she wanted to be only friends so he completely ignored her, went for her friend, and removed her from his priv. L person fr.
Pudge has fine friends!
by Okay lol February 15, 2022
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Stomach fat. But a better way to say it.
Dude, I seriously need to kill baby pudge.

Who's that?

My stomach fat.

What does that mean?

I'm still fat......
by LOVECHEESE January 15, 2012
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n. Pet name for Alan Rickman's stomach, developed by Rickmaniacs (probably on LiveJournal) and other loonies. Many Rickmaniacs have entire computer networks dedicated to pictures of Teh Pudge.
See teh.
Meanie: Mr. Rickman has gained weight, hasn't he?
Rickmaniacs (wielding very dangerous torches): We cherish Teh Pudge! Sod off!
by Kalondo January 1, 2005
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|pəj - fəd| n. when you put way to much of anything on something. Having copious amounts of items or whatchamacallits.

It can also be used as an adjective to enhance a noun.

Originating from the early 21st century Tuliau's of Wilmington.
"Wow man, what's up with all that cream cheese on that bagel?"

"Pudge Fud playa!"

Or as an adjective

"Wow you see how many D's that chick took in her V, straight Pudge Fud ho."
by deffilms March 11, 2009
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Pecker pudge: the pad of fat in middle aged men that resides below the love puff and obscures the true size of the man meat
As I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror I realized my pecker pudge was taking over my endowment
by The linguist from Cunna August 16, 2018
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