n. Music which is pesudo-punk. It's got the loud guitars, it's got just enough of the "I'm angry" vibe to still be interesting to today's youth. But it's way too polished and lacks the substance of true punk.
by The Grammar Nazi December 4, 2001
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there is no such thing as "pop-punk" for that would be a contradictory statement of the two opposite energies of the universe.
what it really is is "Modern Punk", just like rock punk has changed for nothing remains the same and people need to except that. it is punk fused with an element of just having fun playing music.

The Cure and The Who and Lou Reed are key influences in the genre of (for sake of requirement) " pop-punk ".
by The Harlequin March 31, 2006
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Genre of music. People that are pop punk wear crew necks, eat pizza, and say works like "stoked" and "rad".
"Defend pop-punk"
"So stoked to see the story so far they're so pop-punk."
by ftdsgfdisvf October 13, 2013
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1. Watered down punk made with the sole purpose of selling it to teenage girls.
2. The worst thing to happen to punk rock since Mick Jones and Joe Strummer split up.
3. What many people think secretly killed Joey Ramone.
Oh my, God! Listen to this pop punk crap!
by Guy who hates pop punk January 30, 2003
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so far only one person has the definition right here. pop punk, which shall now and forever be called Happemo, is just catchy fun sounding music that still has talent and a message.
check out the bands in the example. they are true Happemo bands.
Dillinger Four, Bigwig, Skirtbox, Amazombies, and Bombshell Rocks are all examples of true Happemo
by Spicy Longshanks April 23, 2004
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A kind of punk rock with poppy hooks. Often confused with pop.

Examples of pop punk:

Bad Religion
Unwritten Law
Screeching Weasel
The Queers

Example of pop:

Good Charlotte
blink-182 (the only pop band with any talent whatsoever, but spawned a bunch of shitty bands such as the above)
Ryan Cabrera
Simple Plan
uihrgjknfgjnkfg ghklnjghnjk ghkjnghjknghnjk ghjnhgjnkhgjk
by DJ-BILLZ May 17, 2005
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The only music genre where the performers are as awkward and clumsy as the kids who listen to it
Hey All Time Low is a pop punk band
by trolololbitches July 27, 2012
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