1- When someone easliy gets their ankles broken playing sports such as Hockey

2- Someone who constantly makes jokes about other people, but actually are the joke themselves
1- I don't want him on my team, he's a Pat

2- Did you hear what he said? Don't worry he's a Pat
by PatsMySon September 14, 2016
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A Very Sexy Man, Coming From Suffolk, That Is Cool And Sometimes His Last Name Begins With A C.
Pat You Are Very Cool Says A Fit Girl
by Patrick123456789 August 28, 2008
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A kid with an unusually large forhead. Often so large that it's capable of interfering with the stardard line of sight up to 73 km. A forhead so large that it can be easily mistaken for the CN tower or any other massive landmark. Often refered to as CN Pat, or Pat Tower.
Pat move your fuckin forhead, I cant see shit!
Pat im trying to take a picture of the sky, move your fuckin forhead!!
by Mike July 18, 2006
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A "Pat" is used for people who are rude, bossy and selfish. Probably using this to a "bitch" is a good idea!
Emily: Ugh, the new girl is so rude, bossy and selfish! She doesn't even know how to talk nicely. She has no manners! And she is such a b-
ME: Don't call her a B, say, she is such a Pat!
Emily: She is such a Pat!
by Bexzi January 7, 2018
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pat- a marijuana joint that you pass from one smoker to another at a gathering
Krissy never comes around unless we passing pat!
by merriamwebsta December 12, 2006
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Publicly Accessable Terminal (PAT). This is basically a computer or device usuable by the public.
Don't leave your personal information on a PAT, delete cookies first.
by druss666uk August 2, 2006
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To 'pat' someone is to throw one's excrement, especially faeces, at them.
Ladies may also choose to throw used menstrual regalia instead of faecal matter.
One may commit the ultimate pat by furnishing one's bowel with the necessary materials before positioning oneself directly above the head of a friend, relative or perhaps passing person, thence one proceeds to pat them right on the head.
Katy was constantly banging on about her wide-set vagina, which finally pushed Alex to the point of patting her with sloppy twos.

Alex had been a dick to Katy so she pat him. She pat him good.

Katy's menses had stained Alex's favourite shirt after the pat attack, therefore he fucking killed her dead. Bitch.
by MEFF February 11, 2009
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