When a man dons a strap-on posteriorly and proceeds to engage in vaginal or anal intercourse with two women at the same time with a back and forth movement. Variations include a woman in the middle, with or without strap-on, and participants of the befitting gender. Other conceivable combinations include any three trunks and a couple holes.
As Stuart trained in on the correct angles, Agnes and Phyllis found the parallel parking quite enjoyable.
by Cabot November 18, 2006
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Rhett and links transcribtion fail. it means "Google it"
Guy nr. 1: "hey man, do you know what encephalitis means?"
Guy nr. 2: "No idea, Parallel to collect"
Guy nr. 1: "what?"
Guy nr. 2: "google it"
by Alabaz September 17, 2011
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The act of having sex with 3 people or more

Made by “ninja sex party
Ninja with aids: Hey which chick did you bang last night
Cool jew: bro i was parallel porking them both
by 4 swordsman October 13, 2020
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Widely-separated, empty locations where people drink alone and share the experience with others over the Internet.
"Come here often?" he said into his phone. "Oh, I'm here all the time", she answered. On his small screen she looked like she was enjoying her Margarita, he told her how great his straight Jack Daniels felt going down, miles apart, each locked in their parallel bars, sharing Happy Hour.
by Monkey's Dad April 3, 2020
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1. A specific line of latitude.
2. The official border between north and south Korea.
3. An arbitrary thing to yell during volleyball games.
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angles that are 180 degrees so they form straight lines, thus making them parallel so they will never touch.
^these are parallel angles
by ssyydddd March 22, 2007
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Parallel Kingdom is a mobile location based massively multiplayer game that uses your GPS location to place you in a virtual world on top of the real world (a google map). Once on this map, you can move around, collect estates (cities which are built on top of real life cities that have 2000+ population), hunt, trade, or just talk with other players. By far, best game for android/apple products. Available in either of those markets.
"Did you hear about parallel kingdom? It was rated one of the top 10 best mmo's on Ipad, android, and Iphones by NowGamer and was a finalist in the Mashable best mobile.game!
by TTTF July 28, 2012
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