Someone given to masturbating using the palm of their hand, usually a male. Otherwise known as a wanker.
He's a total "palmer".
by Lanaland May 13, 2013
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The act of being extremely sexually gratified by a member of the Palmer family to the extent of becoming mentally incapacitated.
1. She was Palmerized so good, she didn't mind his side chicks.
2. She was so Palmerized, she was wiling to take a beat down.
3. Palmerization had her arguing all over TOTT.
by Mrs. Chocolate TOTTer October 26, 2011
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acting like a gay ass mofo

being a bag of douche
Damn it Colin, stop being such a mofoing palmer
by jackson5676 December 6, 2006
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1. To be awful at something and be a complete chode in the process.
2. To fail at your initial professional endeavors (e.g., throwing more picks than touchdowns as a professional quarterback), then to scurry off from that failure and suck at the blistered teet of American reality television....and suck at that too.
3. Winless former NFL quarterback with a quarterback rating below 60, who proceeded to fail in the Canadian Football League.
4. To be the less successful of a sibling a long shot.
5. The opposite of to "palmer", as that term is defined on this website.
"Billy Carter really 'jesse palmer'ed hard when he pissed in an airport runway on camera. But I guess it was a great endorsement for Billy Beer."
"Daniel Baldwin was seriously 'jesse palmer'ing when he blew off his appearance on Celebrity Fit Club because he was too busy running butt naked through the Plaza Hotel lobby hopped up on blow."
by Mississippi Mudflap September 20, 2013
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excuse me maam not to be disrespectful or rude but could you please take this post down. that is my sister who was killed by a metra train. and it this post is very disrespectful. idk who u are or if u even know her but i need you to take this down please.
by imtherat November 9, 2020
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“Clive Palmer is a Fatty McFuckhead!” - Many prominent Australian icons.
by big gay me September 29, 2019
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The mysterious homecoming queen of the small fictional town of Twin Peaks, who was found wrapped in plastic on February 23rd 1989, aged 17.

Also a song by the British alt-rock band, Bastille, based on the Twin Peaks character.
"Have you watched the episode of Twin Peaks where Laura Palmer's killer is revealed?"

"Laura Palmer by Bastille is such a cool song."
by Annie Blackburn December 27, 2013
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