She is a wanna be girl she is a lier, bossy, and a terrible person she would make things up to make you look dumb and that she has terrible music ly account and begs people to follow her.
I i'm such a aylin ortega I i'm the biggest wanna be EVER!
by Anonymous :\ March 9, 2017
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Jenna Ortega's Husband AKA Crumbo
Jenna: I love you bby
Crumbo/Jenna Ortega's Husband: I love you too bae
by Angry_Salad May 16, 2023
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Boy what the hell boy get yo goofy ahh out of here with that terrible name
“You know Rafael Ortega? What a bad person am i right guys, LET IT DIE LET IT DIE LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE
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One of the most beautiful girls u will ever meet. Encountering a Jackie Ortega Barron is rare and u should be grateful for her being in your life. She has dark hair, beautiful eyes, and not to mention the most beautiful smile. She is really easy to fall in love with but hard to get over. Guys are chasing after her wanting to date her.
You: Damn is that a Jackie Ortega Barron
Friend: Hell yeah it is

You: Dibs
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A brown haired, egg looking, ( not really 😂 ) and the prettiest girl any person with see. Someone who will pick you up when your down, and make your day a whole lot better. You’ve changed my life, for the 100% better, and showed me that people can be perfect. I’m here for you when no one else will be, 😀 Ily Coca Cola/babe.

~TJ Martinez
Hey what’s up “The Raina Ortega”

( I needed a sentence. )
by TJGAYGAY December 10, 2018
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A usually gay surname, relating to old mexican traditions of poo farmers and toilet cleaners. Ortega is a surname of working and dirt. The new generation of Ortega can have money to spend on towels and hoovers but not a house.
NOT to be confused with Ortiger (A brazilian tree)
You are such an Ortega (You are gay)
by bcbadai December 26, 2017
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