Refers to the act of shoplifting by sliding a small object into the sleeve of a hoodie, jacket, or sweater.
Person A: Guys I need pens for school but I don’t have any money to get them!
Person B: Well, why don’t we just sleeve and leave?
by Vndrll January 10, 2020
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When someone is in a rush to wipe after taking a dump, and accidentally gets their sleeve covered in shit during the wiping process.
Wilford Brimley - "I was running late for work this morning and totally chocolate sleeved my only good work shirt."
by Dangerstache October 6, 2009
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When one male inserts a flesh light into his anus while bent over the tailgate of a white Ram 1500 Eco Diesel with a Rebel front end conversion, And allows another male {usually of African America decent} to insert his penis into said flesh light.
Oh my god did you see Rick receive a siberian sleeve on the back of Ben's truck last night! Talk about stretched!
by bukkakepoet June 19, 2018
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1. to show ones emotion in the open
2. for everyone around you to know what your thinking or feeling
Ex- Nadia and deanna wear their heart on their sleeve. I can tell they are both happy.
by H.Jay. February 28, 2006
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An Eskimo Sleeve is when your pubes continue half the length of your shaft (erect).
Ainu and Northern Inuit people evolved the Eskimo Sleeve to keep their peepers warm in the harsh arctic winters. “
by Nickf2019 May 17, 2019
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as he began to shag her he realised the entrance to her nunny was like a wizards sleeve.
by donkey snot August 15, 2003
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What Steve Harvey calls a condom, as evident from what he has said on Family Feud.
Steve: We surveyed 100 people, what do you want your man to wear when your feeling sexy?
Contestant: A condom?
Steve: Burrito sleeve it is!

Mrs. Harvey: Damn Steve, put yo damn burrito sleeve on.
by Missing Waldo September 27, 2017
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