What you say when you couldn't care less about the person talking, or if they are just so goddamn stupid they should screw a goat at a zoo. No comeback has ever been invented to combat this insult.
Teacher: Remember, Pythagoras' theorum is c2=a2+b2

Student: Pythagoras has an ass in his books!


Student: Fuck you goddamn dip shit pussy bitch!!!

Teacher: ...
by J03pH1SH November 13, 2009
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something you would say if you were exited or happy.
mom-today we are going to the theme park to celebrate our third year of not being with dad!

by rickandmortymortymortyclone December 30, 2017
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Whoever said it is automatically right and the recipient is wrong. If multiple people say it, then it acts as a +2 card in uno, it goes to the next person.
Person 1: Fishnets are not appropriate attire for Walmart.
Person 2: Suck my fat cock you dip shit.
by JPMorganJr August 5, 2023
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Bub I didn't want to get caught dipping in school so I took a shit dip
by Cope green 99 June 27, 2015
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A word used to describe someone who is dumb or in other words a dip shit but it’s just funnier than saying just he’s a dip shit
Man 1 “That yaba daba dip shit said no”
Man 2 “lol yaba daba dip shit”
by bobocar1 February 1, 2021
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When you state something controversial or problematic then immediately leave the conversation without letting anyone respond. Commonly done by trolls on the internet.
Come on, don't shit and dip. You're really gonna say "only pedophiles watch anime" then walk away?
by SkeletonFetus July 27, 2021
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