A euphemism for blood. usually vaginal blood i.e. period or from tearing.
She ruthed all over his bed.
I pulled down her pants and there was ruth all over them.
she was actually ruthing in his mouth.
by eewbloodstain May 17, 2009
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Having arisen from the adjective: 'ruthless': of 14th century Germanic origin to describe the lawless backwoodsmen infamous for lurking the fringes of Germanic forest land and hitting up the hallucinogenic ye olde fungi of the Black Forest, 'ruth' can be considered the shortened version of this same word with a similar meaning. It can be used particularly effectively as a pronoun in place of one's official birth name if they are displaying characteristics including but not limited to: taking a fuck load of pills, drinking a fuck load of spirits or doing a fuck load of fucking.
Gretel: Sheisse Viktor could you be any more ruth?
Viktor: honestly, nein

Jonny: fucking christ aye look at that ruth slut dance
by thero January 21, 2013
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Ruth, another word for awesome. The coolest person I know she so funny and coool and she's my best friend in the whole wide world and she has an awesome rubber tenticle
Wow that was so ruth (awesome)
by The best dudet December 3, 2016
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Ruthing:V: useless iritating!!; unnecessary interuptions without apology. insincere, over abundance of compliments to gain poitive social acceptance of colleagues. office affiliated onlyl; COMPLETE lack of social skills and ablities and comprehention. holds a masters degree with no known ablity to write or comprehend any simple or advanced theory in buisness managment. running up and down the damn hall way. attending to matters not of your buisness.over exageration of talent!! overly confident,grandiose recognition of self in comparison in to colleagues. posessing the exemplary skill in one naroww critical job responsibility. A BOLD FACE LIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and closest to "chicken little syndrome" that exsists in the human race.
Ruthing;standing in the door way talking for 10 min about nothing
by jagermeister amigos June 28, 2009
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To be a hebephile and drug addict who cannot be loyal to anyone.
Guy: is that Ruth's little brother
Girl: nope Ruth likes them young
Guy: that's nasty
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Kind and annoying. She has a thing for older men.
She’s out with an older guy, she’s such a ruth 🙄
by Hagsjnek June 6, 2019
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