Mot out is Keith Lemon's term for eating out!!! in other words to go down on a girl, to lick her out, perform oral sex etc,etc,etc.
i sooo want to Mot her out!!!!
Oh i do love a bit of Mot Mot
i really want to Mot out a the queen
by mojoclojo October 12, 2011
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A French Mo' Fo'

As in: "Hi Mot Faux, I'd like one croissant please."
mot fauxmotfauxmofomotherfuckermother fucker
by gangbanker July 30, 2010
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Cris Mot.

1) A big brown bear. (Aka. Grizzles)

2) An Xbox profile that was the first to be operated by a bear.

3) To get stoned and have vigourous sex with a female so hard that she either becomes incapable of walking or refuses to speak to you again.
Kyle: Sarah refuses to talk to me after we had sex last night.

John: Sweet Jesus dude, please tell me you didn't pull a 'Cris Mot'.
by BeardedShark March 10, 2016
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MOT Game = Middle Of the Tits Game
Basically you ask the person if they want to play. If they say sure or yes you attempt to grab/poke their nipples.
Guy: "Hey, you want to play the mot game?"
Girl: "I've never played that before. Sure."
Guy: -Pokes the girl's nipple-
by toldlikeitis579 May 28, 2010
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Performing oral sex on a female, Mott being a northern term for a vagina
I was motting out this bird when her boyfriend walked in. Lol
by BigsexyBFG November 12, 2013
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As seen on Keith Lemon's infamous 'Celebrity Juice' it's another word for Cunninglus. The way your mouth moves while performing this act produces a 'mott mott mott' action.
Phil: Hey Dave, did you get lucky with that skank you pulled last night?

Dave: Nah man, I was too pissed to do that business so I just motted out instead.

Phil: Nice, did you repeat yourself with 'MOTT MOTT MOTT' like Keith Lemon?

Dave: Yeah, she got freaked out and went home for some reason?

Phil: PAR
by stannyy September 2, 2011
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