The company whose products (including programming languages, operating systems, and productivity software titles) form the backbone of modern computing.
Microsoft is a fine example of 'horizontal growth'.
by Shanya Almafeta May 9, 2003
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a big cheesie company that copies everything and makes it slow lagging and crashing a lot
apple-hey guys I made this original operationg system
microsoft-im just going to steel all your stuff and make it stupid
apple-you dont have permission you son of a b**** oh well i made mine look good and flashy and at the same time awsome!
microsoft-people already use my f***ing crappy unoriginal ideas anyway
(during this war apple takes back all of it's dignity back and saves the world by making Ipods, trading with google, and punching bill gates in big laughing groups!)
by steven beattie March 4, 2007
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an evilcompany that became successful by thievery, bullshitting customers, keeping quality control OFF the table, and pulling unfair marketing schemes to leach money from people across the globe. continues to thrive off the rest of the population minus Mac users and uses its corporate power to control its market. Still has hardly made an effort to improve Windows since they know they have control over the market. They release new windows just to increase profit, and these "upgrades" are in effect just like looking through a different window at the same damn thing-a junk-piled OS.

the xbox 360 is their only tangible product. this device is possibly the worst excuse for a video game system. the only reason people buy it is for the selection of video games and exclusive games like halo that microsoft bought out.
*new xbox 360 4gb commercial*
Billy: "Wow that actually sounds like something i might buy from microsoft. they finally decided to really improve the 360. built in wifi, slimmer and runs quieter, sounds like a worthy game system."
Jesus: Now billy, you may think that at the moment, but you must discern that this is Satan tempting you. If you buy the reasonably priced 4g version, you will be trapped into buying a $130 hardrive if you want to play co-op in Halo Reach. This is deceiful trickery, because they knew they could have made their 4gb system work with Halo Reach, but decided not to. This microsoft you speak of is only out for profit, so do not let them lay their selfish tricks on you."
by rageagainstmicrosoft December 21, 2010
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A big, evil corporation hell bent on world domination, lead by Satan himself, Bill Gates - Multi Billionaire/prince of darkness. Headquaters in Seattle/Hell.
"Hey, what do you think of Microsoft?"

"oh, you mean the company that promotes EVIL?"
by JustinFromAus August 10, 2006
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A company that does everything they can to make sure your getting punked' and they're not.
Many people are familiar with there surreptitious products and their unfaithful outlook towards their customers
- Xbox Live
-The Red Ring Of Death and its "E-" relatives
- The Blue Screen of Death
- Buggy software
- The extra layer of plastic on Point Cards

- Activation of the Point Cards only when you get to the check register
Microsoft Customer: <That's ironic my Xbox died on my 16th birthday. I bought it 2 years ago for my 14th birthday>

<Well, my warranty is gone but I guess I'll call customer support and see if they can do anything about it... or maybe>

*Goes to Google and types in: how to use your Xbox controller to play PC games*

<Yes YES YESS!! Finally, this is I just have to... huh??..... "Step: 4 Ok, just purchase a Microsoft wireless receiver or the Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows


Curse you Microsoft!!!! >
by Microsoft sufferer March 20, 2010
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Microsoft is a system developer. They create Windows operating systems.
I’m going to the Microsoft store to buy a computer!
by LonnieHarperLHC July 8, 2018
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(Adjective) used to describe something minuscule size and simultaneous softness.
Yeah I heard Justin has a Microsoft dick...

Hot mom though
by Gunit300 January 21, 2017
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