a shane merrick (Alfheim0nline) is the best drug dealer with the biggest dick (14.5 inc) (jackhammer)
"hey see that shane merrick over ther?" "yeah.""thats my shane merrick AND YOU CANT HAVE HIM!"
by Im wildturtle June 12, 2017
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A comedy duo from Australia who are seen (and heard) mainly on radio and in newspapers. Are pretty funny and have some classic CD's out, available from ABC shops. Have a liking for the New Zealand accent and once rang a pizza shop in NZ to pay out the poor guy there.
Have you heard Merrick and Rosso? They are very funny.
by Marty June 13, 2003
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extremely hot and funny australian comedian...good mates with Rosso
He is no merrick ( ie comedian)
by Anonymous September 11, 2003
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'tom merricks' doing a tom merricks means crying outside a nightclub and getting a taxi home to grovel back to his girlfriend after an argument.
wow dele did such a tom merricks last night
whipped underthethumb yolo notalad emotionaltimes
by rybrown69 October 27, 2013
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A person? Someone you may think you trust but DONT. Now I ain't saying she a gold digger, but she totally is. She will never let anyone around her be happy, especially in a relationship she steals all yo men. Stay back ladies she will snatch your weave. bikinis look good but not on her. She only dates fuck boys and lies about her age to every rich, semi-attractive man. Her social abilities or lack thereof are astonishing.
Boy: Who's that she looks desperate.
Boy 2: Yeah Ellie Merrick dates people she's never met before.

Boy: aight aka stay away
boy 2: yeah pretty much
by unknown fetish July 17, 2018
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Your probably the flyest nigguh in town and doesn't take shit from nobody by selling drugs.
Dirty merrick went to court.
by D33ZN0TS June 4, 2020
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