cute, sweet, nice, adorable. funny as hell.
trys to show off, but it still works.
friends with just about everyone.
everyone loves him.
hard to read.
says one thing but then says it;s a lie.
you'll like him and never get over it.
drives you crazy. but you dont care.
can be very confusing to you but is still amazing.
matt is an amazing perssoonnn :D
by damnyoumotherfucker April 7, 2009
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A sex beast. He always has a very large penis, balls, and can do "sexual activities" longer than any other male human being. All around totally AMAZING, but is the absolute BEST at sex!
Girl 1-Wow, that guy is such a Matt!
Girl 2-I know! And he's SOOO good at sex!
by GuitarCrazyManiac February 2, 2010
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A guy that is easy to fall in love with. Every girl wil have at least one Matt in her life. Matt's usually are easy to fall in love with. They are the long relationship type. If you haven't fallen for a Matt one of your friends have. When you date a Matt he changes everything. You will do anything for him. If he breaks up with you then you will always have feelings for him. You are lucky to have a Matt. Their names are common but they are rare. Amazing kissers. Perfect in everyway. Usually Tall and Blonde.
"Omg I love my boyfrend matt he is the best!"
"I am so jealous of her she dates Matt"
by namerrr June 4, 2009
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An attractive, smooth-talking, charming young man. When you’re with him, he makes you feel like a princess; when you’re not, you know he is making another girl feel the same and not even thinking of you.

Becky- 'i dont understand, we had so much fun last week! why hasnt he called?!?'
Jessica- 'i told you that guy was a matt. you should have listened to me!'
by anonymous08 February 5, 2008
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A guy who has made mistakes in his past, but is changing. He truly wants to be a better person, and is currently in that process. He may not be the partying type, but he is trying to please others by changing in that aspect too. Matt's are usually great boyfriends who would do anything for their other half. This guy just wants one more shot to make it right.
Matt is at this party? I didn't think he was a partier?
by anotherchance July 19, 2009
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One who is adressed as Matt usually cause his name is Matthew it is said matts are the most faithful and loyal people in the world, typically he is either a leo, scorpio or libra. He comes on strong and always means what he says (even if he denies it). Is almost always the brave one though looking at him you would doubt it.
Woman1: Wow yo are so lucky to be dating Matt

Woman2: Yah, I know he has never even looked at another girl since he has been with me
by Roflcopter goes fwapa June 26, 2009
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to win , awesome.
Your so matt win!
by BisFitty July 10, 2009
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