He likes fortnite and hacks in solitare
Damn Marshall your packing
by Quiggly hacker November 16, 2020
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Marshall is the best guy you will ever meet in your life. He has brown eyes and curly hair. He will stick up for you and give the BEST Valentine's gift fo you if you are dating. LOVES The Flash. A dreamy boyfriend and the FUNNIEST guys ever. And the most loyal boyfriend ever. ❤🥵
Black hair girl: I'm dating Marshall now
Blonde hair girl: no way! He is so hot
Black hair girl: hey! Back off he is mine
by Theflashlover_24 February 15, 2020
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An Autistic Tiny Shit with a little chode who listens to mining away
Person 1:Oh look at Marshal
Person 2:Oh yea what an autistic shit
by Owener121 July 10, 2019
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a married guy that cruises chat rooms looking for single women. He will usually say that his wife cheats and sniff sniff, why dont you suck my cock since my wife is doing that to someone else or baby oh baby. I love you so much and lets ass fuck since my wife quit having sex with me years ago.
The married guy usually has to find a new loser every two years.
Hey ! Did you hear about Lawrence. That guy got some new pussy by marshalling some chick by telling her the wife cheats, I will marry you...you are such a fox....this is fate. HA HA...he marshalled her ass all right. She swallows that cum. she gives up that pussy cheap.
by been there, done that December 6, 2005
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1. someone that's fluffy and appropriately nicknamed Marshmallow
2. someone who pulls a total douchebag move
3. someone with a huge ego, even though in reality, they are quite lame
1. "whoa someone's looking marshally today"
2. "wow, can you believe Jake pulled a marshall on Sharon. So not cool....."
3. Marshall "i worked out for five hours today; you could wash clothes on these abs."
Everyone else "ummmm no."
by jackjackattack July 29, 2011
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Having sex with a slutty girl who attempted to have sex with at least 3 other guys in a night before choosing you. It also helps if the girl resembles Mr. Ed.
Man I pulled a Marshall the other night and had sex with that skeevy ho.
by David and Austen April 20, 2005
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A better definition for Marshall is Bad-ass....Period. A person with the last name Marshall, probably can blow your eardrums out with her high-pitched singing voice. So if you hear someone with the name Marshall in their name.....Scream and run.
Person 1: "What's your name?"
Person 2: " Evelyn Marshall..."
Person 1: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"
by Powwww December 15, 2010
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