Marcus is a boy who loves call of duty. He is Hilarious and likes to bob his head along to his music no matter how stupid he looks.he has brown curly hair and brown eyes with black wide rimmed glasses. Not too popular. Hangs out with the videogamer nerds. He is AWESOME.Sings aloud sometimes and does ridiculously hilarious impressions making fun of people like eminem
Hanna: i dont care what you think i think Marcus is cute and awesome.
Johanna: you would like him your a complete nerd just like a marcus
by Tibby Laraine November 22, 2013
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Marcus is so fierce.
by Kdenver August 2, 2017
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Marcus: the sweetest guy you will ever meet; artistic; born musician; tempermental at times; you will love them with all your heart; usually brown haired, and brown eyed; make you fall in love with them; adorable; addicting; caring; truely amazing. the most incredible guy i have ever met and hope will stay with me forever. ♥ i love you.
by shayclay21296 October 1, 2011
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really big in the pants
if you have a marcus, you got yourself a winner
"your sure lucky your marcus! i wish i was"
by pachoooo88 May 4, 2010
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A man who takes huge dumps.
Ah God! That Marcus is punishing my toilet!
by TwistOfFate April 14, 2007
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A person with big heart and big d*** ladies get you a Marcus you won't regret it
I date a Marcus now best decision I ever made
by Expertgirl772 December 24, 2018
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