Name of a retarded cat that doesn't know how to cover it's own poop in a litter box.
WOW it stinks, Leeroy Jenkins must have just pooped. That cat is so retarded it doesn't know how to use the litter box.
by Bitty Bumba March 11, 2007
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A "Leeroy" or more specifically a "Leeroy Le Gallais" is an insult meaning "someone who has sex with horses". It also is used to refer to someone who is a bit rurally simple, or generally used for "idiot".

The terms "a Leeroy", "doing a Leeroy" and "to be a bit of a Leeroy" etc, are easily confused with Leeroy Jenkins (who became infamous from World Of Warcraft for leaping headfirst into a situation regardless of strategy), hense the use of the full term "Leeroy Le Gallais". Usually the short version "a Leeroy" is used when context will suffice to explain.

The insult was born after public outcry in Guernsey when a Guernseyman hit national headlines when he was taken to court for molesting a horse (locals couldn't believe that some freak would actually do this, Guerns aren't all like him!)
"I think he's a bit of a "Leeroy Le Gallais" if you know what I mean."
"What are you, some kind of Leeroy?"
"He looks futu! I reckon he spent all last night Leeroy Le Gallaising"
"That mare looks like its been Leeroy Le Gallaised"
"You've got to remember - they're a bunch of Leeroy Le Gallaises!"
by Frogfaerie March 24, 2007
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A talking raccoon skull named after the legendary hero of World Of Warcraft.When Sheep Hager found the skull one night, he made it talk by lifting up the top part of its skull like puppet.After about an hour,Sheep's cousin's girlfriend Julie named him Leeroy Jenkins,Sheep then added the Onomonopoeia to distiguish the 2 different Leeroy Jenkins.The next day an aparatus was made by Sheep,his cousin jake,and another cousins friend Bradley so a string could be pulled and his mouth would move.Leeroy is scared of unknown noises.Not much is known about Leeroy before he met Sheep,except that he claims to have been in the Vietnam War.
* loud noise *
Leeroy: what was that!?!?
Sheep: relax Leeroy its just an owl.

Leeroy:You better respect Leeroy Onomonopoeia Jenkins,i was in 'Nam.
by Sheep Hager June 12, 2010
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Leeroy Van-Breda is a scene kid/wannabe gangster/arkhein fag who dresses like a homo and rapes his sister multiple times.
by IronicHipsterSceneKid September 4, 2012
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Look! Mike is such an idiot, he's just like Leeroy Jenkins.
See this guy? I'm sure he will just rush in the nearby shop like Leeroy Jenkins!
My ass is for Leeroys only.
by Ainis March 21, 2018
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refers to a pain in the stomach or guts, in which causes you to burb uncontrollably and bring up acid form the lining of your stomach. Usaully caused by drinking iced coffee or smoking.
"Burb, leeroys pain"
"geee, really got the leeroy pains today"
"shouldnt have eaten that dirty big chicken roll, got the leeroy pains"
by Scuba jlo April 19, 2010
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is a very cool dude he is very charming and loves football is the best dude in the world every girl wants him and he is very funny cool to be around and loves to be in relationships
by fuq nga lee September 6, 2023
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