Looks very cute with or without makeup.Often labeled as wanna be punk rocker cause of her first cd. she changed her style with her second cd which is popular rock.By the way most good punk music is crap.offspring and greenday and stone temple pilots if they are punk are the best of the punk genre groups the rest suck. avril has a nice voice acupella and even better in the studio with voice enhancing techniques.
avril lavigne is cute
by besa mi culo May 27, 2006
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A pop singer from Canada who everyone tries to hate on, but is wasting their time; they try to say she's just as pop as Britney Spears, except this shows that this people that supposedly call her a 'poser' and run around saying they love Green Day and PANIC! at the Disco don't know shit about music and need to learn the difference between Techno-pop and rock-pop. If anything she is comparable to Fall Out Boy for being a singer from the middle of nowhere who everyone liked when she first came out, and then tried to hate her around the time of her sophemore album, or how they both play shitty live shows but manage to come up with really catchy tunes, even if they are really stupid and/or annoying after a while.
Ew, I hate Avril Lavigne... she's such a poser her she's EXACTLY like Britney-fuckin-Spears, b/c "Complicated" and "Hit me Baby One more Time" are exactly alike! And her live shows suck and her music is so annoyingly catchy! Whoever made her famous really needs to go- HEY! Let's listen to my new Fall Out Boy CD!
by Mollie8391 May 7, 2007
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Avril Lavigne is a talented musician...Need I say more?

-She writes most of her songs and they make sense.
-She can actually sing...Sure, her performances in 2002-2004 weren't good, but in 2005, her voice completely changed. It was amazing.
-Avril has her own style and she's not a "wanna-be".
-With or without makeup, she's gorgeous, in MY opinion.
-Avril Lavigne changed her style. Her "punk" style was before. It's now over with. She changed it to something more feminine.
-Does not lip-sync. =

And besides, to those people who are like, "AVRIL IS A POSEUR ONGZ ~*~*~", I can garuantee them that they haven't even heard some of her music, not even one song of her's. Also, the way she dresses, does it REALLY matter to you? Just because she wears black and more black, who gives a crap about it?
"It's Av-ril, not "Uh-Varil". -Avril Lavigne
by Saera September 16, 2006
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Awesome Signer :) And everyon who likes to be everyone else who is afraid to be disliked hates her .. GAWD GET UR OWN LIFE WTF!

Avril Lavigne is Awesome:D
The Avril Lavigne Concert was awesome in Vancouver
by Nikiiiii April 1, 2008
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ok so you hate AV. you think she's a poser/biatch. Well let me tell you something, mr. poopy-pants. AV is confident. She sings well compared to her peers. She also sings better than anyone who's ever posted anything here. You guys are shallow and jealous, and probably American, too. If you're going to post something, make it accurate, and not mean. What if she saw these postings? what would she tiink? She wouldn’t tink notan, she’s not gonna seeim!
I would be sad. I would have a big frown on my big face. If she was so bad, then where all her moneys comes from? And she's not ugly at all, to say the least. If you saw some midget on the street, would you come here to make fun of him? I don't think so. That midget would have pain in heart.

In terms of her cents of style, just have respect for it. People are allowed to wear what they want, sing what they want, do what they want. That’s why I killed him, chief, because I could.
So, next time the pizza boy comes around, you tellim to respect avril lavigne. Then you gonna payim well, son. I do.
Yes, inspiring too.
To those who posted those messages, fukum all. Just play by the rules, play fair, and you might just win double the prise money. Do you understand?

"Dear edditors, since I know you will read this, can you please put this definition first or on the first page? There's nothing but bad comments on the first couple of pages. Otherwise, I might hate you for your inconvience just kidding. And erase this quote after your done."
to Avril Lavigne: Here's an example of a disgraseful poser: you guys who posted those bad things? how many of you still live at home? it's O.K. not to answer if your too ashamed. also, say hello to you mama!
by hadrian May 4, 2006
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A free spirited AWESOME rock star! Her songs are like number one! She is the best singer in the whole world! She is as good as Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan and Kelly Clarkson! And won the MTV Asia awards 2 years in a row! Best singer of the world!
You were everything, everything that I wanted,
We were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it!
Over memories so close to me just fade away,
All this time you were pretendin,
So much for my happy ending!

Avril Lavigne-My Happy Ending (best song in the world!)
by *duNNo* July 29, 2006
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A "woman" so stupid that while writing a song one day she thought to herself,"hm, what rhymes with house? Mouse, louse, gouse... Ooh I know! House!" She's 5 foot 3 with a pink streak and calls herself a rockstar!
Cashier at Walmart looks at Avril Lavigne as she asks for ciggarettes and says, "Woah, no offence, but you look just like that whiny skank avril lavigne!"
by necrophiliac hater January 25, 2010
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