Lacey is a very good friend. She is funny and cares about her friends. She is really good with relationships. She will date somebody for six months then he will break up with her. U might even date her best friend. If u met Lacey u should be friends with her. She talks in a voice that makes u want to hangup with her. U might steal a phrase from her called “sad face”. She says this bc the sad face emojis r too sad.
She’s such a Lacey.
by Right every time October 29, 2019
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Lacey is one of the best people you will ever meet. Lacey has brown hair and brown eyes.Not afraid of talking to boys or acting like one.Everyone wants to be her friend.She never hides her true self. All guys want her.Big butt and great body.
Guy 1. Wow, look at that girl.
Guy 2.Yeah she must be a real Lacey
by tayler3345364 July 10, 2017
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To be the most awesomest and sexy person ever but finding it impossible to get that ONE GUY that's on your mind to notice you as more than a friend. (And to break up with his girlfriend and ask you out because your a sexy beast!!!!)
"Did you see that new girl? Her name must be Lacey cause she's sexyy."
"Lacey is such a sexy beast."
"To be Lacey is to be so sexy and yet he won't notice you. I'm having a Lacey day."
by stalka February 24, 2015
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Lacey is a girl who is hot I mean really hot. She doesn’t care what people say about her. She is so athletic and has the perfect body. She is the popular girl at school. She is so nice and she struggles a little in school but she tries and every boy would die to date lacey even for 5 minuets. Everyone wants to be Lacey
Friend 1: I wish I was Lacey.
Friend 2: I know I am so jelly.
Boyfriend : she is hot and you know it.
Guy 1: I want to date her.
by Kay W. October 21, 2018
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Lacey is a great person. She probably had some struggles in child hood but that’s what makes her a fighter. She could get any guy she wanted and would beat a bitch up if the fucked with her friends. She is 10/10 gorgeous and makes other girls insecure. She’s no doubt the baddest bitch. She looks good everyday and runs her school like a queen.
New girl: Who is she?
Erin: That’s Lacey. She’s the baddest bitch here. Don’t piss her off.
by December 20, 2019
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Lacey is very awsomme whats the point of beign on erth without lacey shers very tall pretty an loves all sortes of animals but mostly cats and dogs is very good at hockey and lax and suck at mackigne slime you can count on her she loves surgar and sims she will always bes nice to the people she hates the most she is generisse kid smart ruth pretty and the best need sports tips go to her first she is awsomme at all sports but mostly hockey and lax you cant ever live whitout a lacey. to the best freind in the world.
london and i love laceys AS a friend
by YEETERSON PETTERSON October 20, 2019
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crazy, psycho who needs to get help; stage five clinger
extremely geeky, complete with anger issues over video games
thinks highly of self, though others desire to pulverize this ignorant creature
That girl tried to break up a couple, what a lacey.

That lacey is beating up her pong partner over their loss, even though its her fault.

lacey is a fagul.
by chickachickyea July 11, 2008
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