1. when someone makes a lot of dough
2. when someone is baked daily
3. when someone is iced out
4. when someone is fresh
Kpeezy is Krispy Kreme
by Kelera November 21, 2007
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The fat around one's bellybutton if they are average weight.
"and this, people, is the krispy kreme" *jiggle jiggle*
by Rylan N March 10, 2006
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When you jizz in a sock and let it dry for at least 36 hours, then eat the sock.
Mr Pizza Coley- “Hey man, you had any Krispy Kreme lately?”
-Two-Holes- “Yeah Man, but I’ve got to wait another 12 hours or it’s considered a froggy-fresh.”
by Jimmy Two-Holes November 19, 2019
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a round,preferably large person. used as a nickname.
Hey krispy kreme, go home and eat a donut!
by blitzkreig bopper December 22, 2006
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High as fuck and your eyes are glazed over like a krispy kreme donut.
Holy shit peters has got those krispy kreme eyes..lookin glossy as fuck.
by pioneers89 December 4, 2009
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when you beat off in a girl's face when she is unconscious or sleeping, then she wakes up to find a crispy, white, coating around her face and eyes.
Krispy Kreme is something you do to be a jackass....a straight up jackass
by abankhead March 23, 2007
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The act of ejaculating into someone else's sock and let them wear it until it gets krispy.
"bro, what's in my sock?"
"i gave you the Krispy Kreme Surprise"
by spacerocketboy02 October 19, 2018
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