The ultimate dickriding bandwagon experience. This is even worse than the dickriding of Haiti 2010 or Obama 2008. The concept of KONY 2012 is to raise awareness about a Ugandan war criminal named Joseph Kony. The white liberals seek to cure their white liberal guilt and satisfy their self-righteous selves by posting stickers, sending videos, etc about Joseph Kony. They are oblivious to the fact that the current problems in that region stem primarily from western imperialism and colonialism and so are unable to see the silliness and stupidity of asking the institutions who murdered, raped, pillaged the people of africa to now come and save the day. White liberals must understand that the white nations really have no moral authority to send their armies into the lands of Africa. The slavery mentality that black people will never get ahead or achieve anything valid unless white people help is what is keeping the black man in a state of decline.
My friend - "Why are all these white suburban high school kids wearing KONY 2012 shirts"

Me - "Because they want the government to help the Ugandan military kill war criminals"

My friend - "You mean they want white western nations to train Africans on how to kill other Africans"

Me - "Yes, exactly what it is"
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Term which has been pissing all of the non gullible people on this earth. The term is supposed to bring awareness to the youtube hit video Kony 2012 which speaks of a man named Joseph Kony. It's getting pretty fucking annoying if you ask me.
(youtube music video)

Douche bag/gullible prick - KONY 2012!

Normal people - That was a nice song....
by skcmusic March 29, 2012
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On march 1st 2012, his name flooded the whole internet.
search ''Joseph KONY 2012'' on youtube
by the guy who defined kony March 8, 2012
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Horrible Man Who Is In Africa Who Abducts Children & Turns Them Into Killers. He Makes The Girls Sex Slaves & Turns The Boys In To Warriors. He Forces Them To Kill There Own Parents, And Mess Up People Faces, And Kill People. He Has A HUGE Army Of These Children And We HAVE To Stop Him. Its Getting Out Of Control. HELPPP !!!!!!
Go To Youtube And Type In KONY 2012 And Click On The One With The Earth ! Watch The Whole Thing If You Can And Show AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE, Have A Heart.... Dont Let Others Down.
Joseph Kony Is a Horrible Man And Must Be Stopped!
by katy luckkjookensmoger March 7, 2012
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Going to Uganda independently of State and Government, to kill Joseph Kony. Often involves long range rifles, explosive ordinances and sexual torture devices.
Gee whiz, I sure am feeling oppressed today, I'm buying a ticket and going Kony Hunting.
by NachoFiasco March 8, 2012
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A fad started by a viral video, made by a man who was later caught inebriated, masturbating in public, and vandalizing cars.

The fad was posting "KONY 2012" everywhere, to the point you couldn't go anywhere without seeing it, to raise awareness on this Ugandan warlord who kidnaps children to fight for his army.

Even though the goal was achieved, people still felt the need to spam this crap everywhere.
Wannabe activist: Hey, KONY 2012!!!! WOOO! tell your friends!

Annoyed person: I don't have to, we've already been told, hundreds of times, by everyone.
by I_like_turtles March 27, 2012
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Joseph Kony's super chill alter ego. Joseph Kony wasn't getting the attention he needed so he decided to get his swag on and smoke mad kush.
"Watch out bro, it's Joseph Kony, he'll enslave us as laborers."

" Nah dude thats Broseph Kony, we smoked a bowl or two the other day."
by furrystrawberry January 15, 2015
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