Kensington is really great. She brings people snacks and respects their snack a licious privacies and when you’re sick she’ll bring you takis . She’ll let you eat as much as you want but not if your name is Eden , she won’t let that happen. Only if your name is Nicole, she also is in love with Eden they are happily married somewhere in the city living their dream glorious homeless life.
Dude 1 : yo I’m sick and hungry

by ROOFROOF3000 November 10, 2022
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K-Town, as the locals call it, a not so small small town that is the place to be. next to Bethesda and Rockville everyone wishes they lived here. people there know what the real shit is and what’s fake. they here know how to have a good time and everyone knows everyone. most people that live here are middle to uppethe class and consist of 3 main areas, parkwood, chevy chase view, and the town of kensington. Teens can be found in town on weekends and the moms can be found inside drinking wine while the dads r Barbecueing out back. life is good here
girl- do u live in Bethesda or Rockville

boy- i live in kensington

girl- we should hang out sometime
by Dogssssss March 10, 2018
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Zombie land. The place is filled with crackheads so if you thinking about visiting, dont.
Person 1: Where you bout to go?
Person 2: Kensington

Person 1: Stay home dumbass
by KayDaDemon May 29, 2022
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A nickname for the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. A very violent, drug infested area in North Philly
Don't go to Kensington beach
by Nep19120 August 18, 2021
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A plastic bag that blows aimlessly down the street. Most commonly seen down Kensington streets; these plastic shopping bags are as common as a tumbleweed in the desert. Never seen in the suburbs always found in rough parts of the city.
“Yo bruh, this part of town fucked up.”
“Yeah, there’s a lotta Kensington kites blowin round out here.”

Father: “Son, me and your mother are visiting you this weekend please send us the address”
Son: “Ok, but I live off campus you’re not gonna like my area. The police call it the bottom of the barrel.”
Father: “I’m sure it’s not that bad”
Arrival: “Oh my God, look at those fiends on the corner shooting up. And Honey look out for that Kensington kite!”
Text Message to Son: “On Second thought, slugger why don’t you come home next weekend. Your mother isn’t feeling that well.”
by Yung Puck March 8, 2020
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The Meaty tail part of a duck, like a Parsons nose but more ducky.
We both love the Kensington kiss sweetheart, but tonight you may have the honours.
by Vegemite or poo November 13, 2020
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The process of dipping your balls in Fireball Whisky and running them across the eyes of a passed out victim.
I gave Sue's mom a Sir Kensington's Fire Bomb when she was passed out last night.
by Chef Chefington March 15, 2017
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