Originating in Philadelphia, PA. This word is an acronym for: Just Another Word Nigga.
"Jawn" is applicable any where because it is just another word nigga!
by the troof ruth December 12, 2007
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Can mean anything you want it to mean. Must be a Person, Place, or Thing.
I saw this jawn at tha mall. She was dark and sexy.

Where did u put tha jawn? (Replace jawn with any word u like).
by Gbanks!! March 3, 2011
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Philadelphia hip hop slang for "joint." Used interchangably by Philly-heads
That new Roots jawn, "The Seed v 2.0," is dope.
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A synonym for jeans. More commonly used by hipsters who own, or are referring to raw denim.
Hipster 1: Dude check out my new jawns!!!
Hipster 2: Come on, you don't have shit on my jawns, I got them from Self Edge!!
by Secksaddict February 1, 2011
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A word used by Philly cats to describe anything and everything
Man that jawn was such a jawn last jawn when we were jamming that one jawn Dow the jawn from that jawn
by DickLoverPicklePenatrater101 November 3, 2017
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What Suzyn Waldman calls John Sterling on New York Yankees broadcasts.
Sterling: I thank you, Suzyn.

Waldman: You're welcome, Jawn.
by yogibearrra August 19, 2010
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A word Aidan Griffin made up 1 year ago he made it up and he’s a real king
by ObxyWondrous March 3, 2022
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