Pause the TV while I go jammi up. Why don't you kids go jammi up before your show comes on. It's too late to go out, I'm already jammied up.
by Lee and Chloenstien January 13, 2009
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Lucky fellow .. usually as a result of some surprising and undeserved luck
You won the raffle again? You jammy git!
by gdgfdgfdgfdhf April 18, 2009
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When your mom or dad forces you to get your pj's on. You definetly do not want to. You struggle with all your might to break free from you mommy's grasp. But you cant. You call for an adult, but it is to late. Everybody's out of the house. Before you know it, your in your bed asleep. You were just forced into your own pj's.
Stevey: Adult! Adult! Im being jammie raped. help! Jammy rape! jammy rape!
Mother: Your next Martha.
by BOSnd417 March 17, 2010
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Lamby jammies are when you're wearing something extremely comfortable pajamas, but they expose a lot on your body. Lamby jammies are worn at the worse times, like when an unexpected guess enters your house and sees you in your short shorts and croptop. Lamby jammies are worn in the worst times possible, therefore you *sheepishly* want to go through a hole and die.
"Go get some breakfast downstairs," said Ellie.

"Are you kidding?! My friends just entered the house! I don't want to be seen in my lamby jammies," I said.

"Whatever." Ellie replied.
by Silly_Flamingo June 13, 2016
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Something a gay guy sleeps in.
When Scott (who is 38 and drives a barnasor) has to call his mom to know if she has hemmed his jammy bottoms. He must be gay.
by Holly Palmer January 19, 2008
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Mexicans attempting to say Miami
Ey foo let's go to the bars in my jammy tonight
by HotFartsAnDaLongDriveHome June 13, 2023
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Pants you continue to wear after you’ve sharted
Never trust a fart as you may end up with jammy pants
by Bnicks45 February 19, 2021
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