The exact opposite of a Jager Bomb. A Jager Bomb consists of 4 oz of energy drink with a shot of Jagermeister dropped into it and then immediatley chugged. An Atomic Jager is 4oz of Jagermeister with a shot of energy drink dropped into and immediately chugged. Invented by the infamous Joe & Katie.
Joe: Man, we're almost out of energy drink!!
Katie: That sucks! What should we do??
Joe: Lets just do the opposite of a Jager Bomb!
Katie: That sounds brutal but I'm down!
Joe: I know, that's like an ATOMIC Jager bomb!
by Katie Osekowsky December 17, 2007
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A stinky wet fart or wet-farts that result from drinking too much Jagermeister the night before.
Man A: Dude that stinks, have you shit?
Man B: Yeah sorry, too many Jagers last night
Man A: Dude, sounds like you have Jager Leakage.
by reckless-abandon February 19, 2011
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A temporary state of combined insanity and stupidity brought on by to many jagerbombs, or combining jager and tequilla. Basic motor skill are there but brain function is cut by 75%. Symptoms include trying to sleep with every woman around, thinking you are the authority on every subject known to man, and the inability to focus on a task for longer than two minutes. Most of the time also accompanied by an undeniable need to dance to realy bad music. You will not remember anything in this state the next day but be assured it will be well documented by your friends to make fun of you later.
guy1 "Dude you know you were in the middle of a fatty sanwich on the dance floor last night right. and I am pretty sure the girl you made out with was old enough to be your grandmother"

guy2 "it's ok i was in the grips of jager madness besides if i don't remember it, it never happed"
by sabue November 10, 2009
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the guido drink of choice, drunk in south shore bars to attract fuckin skanks/grind on some pussy.
Jager bombs? Fuckin shower in that shit.
by lizofcydonia November 9, 2007
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The feeling you have the morning after doing way too many Jager Bombs when you cannot seem to be able to fill in the blanks from the night before.
I am going to take some aspirin and call my friends this morning to see if they can help me fill in my Jager Blanks.
by The L Meister November 20, 2007
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The topical application of an alcohol beverage, namely jagermeister, to the soft tissues around the genitals and anus to achieve drunkenness (Stephen Colbert, 2010).
George enjoys jager tainting, not because it gets him drunk, but because the evaporating alcohol makes his soft parts tingle.
by Preteranimus June 2, 2010
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Drinking so much Jagermeister that you start having conversations with your penis. Same results as whiskey dick.
I don't have whiskey dick, I have Jager dick.
You're not coming out tonight.(pointing to penis)
by danny ho April 27, 2007
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