jiz on a bitchs back and let it dry then make her eat it
by donkey of doom May 19, 2003
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its when you grab someone's head and slam it off of your cock several times while one of your friends is filming it in the background laughing their asses off because of the reaction of the guy who just got mouth fucked
Dude, yesterday after school Jonathen indiana flap jacked Bobby!!
by as;dlfhadfh April 14, 2010
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A sex act consisting of taking a large healthy dump (perferrably liquid free) on your partners chest and then using the butt to flatten said dump into the shape of a flap jack.
I was feeling quite awry about life until Carl introduced me to the Tallahasse flap jack.
by Fecal Incident November 14, 2009
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1. Playing ring toss with pancakes (usually IHOP variety) and an erect penis.

2. Tossing or stacking of pancakes on the penis, esp. to see how many pancakes are required until organ is covered.

Masturbation and/or eating of the pancakes may also occur.

3. Having a sexual partner eat pancakes off of one's penis. Also includes the act of eating said pancakes. Maple syrup may or may not be involved.

(Also known as "pancocking")
"I was flap-jacking-off last night, and made my through 5 IHOP shortstacks before I was covered."

"If you flap jack me off, I'll give you an Old King Clancy."
by Sonique Pussi March 25, 2013
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Slapping the foreskin of your flaccid penis against your boyfriend's lips.
The West Virginia flap jack Brian got was just an appetizer for the gay feast that followed.
by El Conquistador July 13, 2017
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the act of shitting on someone's forehead and then slapping it with your ass cheeks. similar to the cleveland steamer and the boston pancake but alot messier and for sick bastards only. make it a new york buttered flap jack by adding a squirt of jizz.
-Fozz: "Dude, what the fuck!!!?? What is this fucking joop on my head???"
-Dirty Dan: "I just gave you a new york flap jack ya dick."

-Darwin: "I'll have the new york flap jack."
-Waiter: "You sick fuck...(gunshot)"
-Jimbo: "Oooh...leave the body here, someones gettin laid tonight!"
by Gizzy Fran April 8, 2008
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When 2 or more people stuff pancakes up their asses, take pictures of it and send it to their parents
Person 1: Dude my mom got a sick Missouri Flap Jack Surprise this morning!
Person 2: Nice i gave one to my dad the other day, it was awesome!!!
by jdan916 May 16, 2011
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