Whisking your puddin', to wit; "Couldnae get a ride last night at the Student Union. Went hame, watched some porn and whisked ma puddin'. Fuckin' downer man."
by The Earl of Hamilton August 22, 2011
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When a well endowed guy puts his shaft half in a chick then grabs the half that is outside and swirls it in a manner similar to whisking the contents of a bowl. The whisk-e-dick is so effective she will do anything you want after she repeatedly cums, its like mind control with your penis
After I took Cinnamon home from the strip club and gave her the ole' whisk-e-dick I had her bake me some brownies
by Obiareus August 19, 2014
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Whe a chick is giving you head and is so waisted she vomits chunks right into your pubic region....
“Man, Betty was so waisted giving me a blow job, she gave me a Chunky Whisk Broom right in my pubes!”
by StudMarine Storm Gunner January 9, 2021
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A woman's vagina. More specifically, during sexual excitement and lubrication. Also the act of act of performing cunillingus.
I had a date with Mary, and the dessert was sardines on a whisk broom.

If you thought caviar was fishy, try sardines on a whisk broom!

My girlfriend is menstruating... so this time the sardines on a whisk broom came with ketchup.
by Arcanum Man November 5, 2009
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What do you want to do tonight?
I want you to fucking whisk my eggs :)
HA. OK!!!
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 19, 2021
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/Verb/ created, established and often used by YouTube cooking icon Binging with Babish.
Always when regular-sized whisk will not do (or is in the sink for that matter) Babby whips out the secret BWB-weapon:
No one ever could bring flavors better to get to know each other then Tiny-whisk does.
George: *Watching the freshly uploaded BWB video on YouTube*
George: Oh no he's not gonna do it, is he?
Babby: *Whips out the iconic Tiny-whisk*
Babby: Ok and then we're Tiny-whisking those together until there's only small crumbs of butter left!
by The Stigs German Cousin March 27, 2019
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When you get a fork, preferably rusty and the forks are bent, and you insert it into the vagina, then you spin it around.
Omg I cant believe he came in me, now I'll have to use the Redneck whisk method.
by BIGGUS_DICKUS1984 November 23, 2020
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