when you hate that something is so hilarious!!! ; So funny that it is gut busting...can't stop laughing and you hate it because it hurts.

Hilariating, hilariater
Pooder is hilariating why are you ripping on that person so bad!!!! Stop!!!! She is going to bust her gut! <3
by namedropper77 January 3, 2010
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Somone giving oral sex while being thrown up on.
Oh wow man, she totaly just pulled A-HILARY
by John Andrew November 17, 2006
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A reply to a post online that is so overused it is no longer funny, hence the intense sarcasm in both words
Post: Ayy lmao
Reply: Hilarious and original
by Mary Beth Sue January 13, 2016
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A 'better' alternative to using the word 'crazy' or 'insane' to someone. Or just a fun way to call someone crazy. Also, 'mentally jolly' can be used. From the Family Guy episode 'The Fat Guy Strangler'.
"Dr, is my brother really insane?"
"Mrs Griffin, we don't use the word 'insane', we prefer the term 'mentally hilarious'"
by scarlett_sweeney September 1, 2009
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One of the weirdest people you will ever meet. Has little to no fears and only really shows emotion when she’s drunk.
Christ it’s hilary morrissey hide behind that bush
by butterbean November 4, 2019
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A girl who got a record deal based on her already-present fame, rather than vocal talent.
Her voice is horrible, despite the digital altering. Hilary Duff makes Britney Spears sound like Mariah Carey.
And, on top of that, Hilary doesn't even write her own songs (which is a scary thought anyway). Her singing is pretty much monotone; she has a pathetic voice range.
Let's just say that she wouldn't stand a chance on American Idol.
(on American Idol, before Hilary's fame)
Hilary: Today I'll be performing "Why Not" for you! Omigosh, I'm sooo gonna be the next American Idol.
Paula: We're ready when you're ready.
Hilary (singing): Why not, take a crazy chance, why not, do a crazy dance---
Simon: Spare us! STOP! My GOD, you sound like a dying goat! Agh, my ears..
Hilary: B-b-but, I'm like, so pretty!
by Ivory March 10, 2004
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