When someone doesn't talk but uses their body to show what they want. To let one's body do the talking or to dance.
Song: Shush girl, shut your mouth. Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.

by Jizz-nelle February 12, 2009
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The highest grade of marijuana. The kind that leaves you feeling as useful as Helen Keller herself.
yo man, did you pick up that helen? ya bro this shit is def helen keller.
by dvdjms November 25, 2010
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When a girl is giving a guy a blowjob, the guy puts both of his hands over her ears and pulls her as far onto his cock as possible (this works best with a guy who has a large bush and doesn't manscape). Then she can't hear anything, can't see anything, and essentially cannot speak coherently.
Yao gave Kari The Helen Keller and she couldn't see when Adam came in the room to watch.
by Beldar ND May 20, 2007
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When you're looking for something without any idea where it is... to figure something out without conventional help.
We're lost. Want to stop and ask for directions? Nah, I'll just Helen Keller my way there.
by PepperdineLex March 22, 2007
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When you are on skype and you cannot see anyone
John: bro are you Helen Keller?

Lily: yeah. I can't see anything!
by Memesauce July 28, 2016
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When a guy and his wingman are doing a girl, one blows a load in her eye, and the other in her ear. The goal is twofold: to fill the ear canal with semen, and to hit her exposed eyeball with the respective cumshots. This effectively renders the girl both bind and deaf.
Bobby and I gave her the helen keller last week, and she still can't hear anything!
by manieman October 16, 2009
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Ejaculate in a girls mouth, poke her in the eyes and clap her ears, temporarily making her deaf, blind and mumbling, much like Helen Keller.
Mary likes to talk after sex so I decided to give her the Helen Keller to shut her up.
by P-Dizzle-Sizzle February 4, 2010
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