An ability to spot whether or not someone is homosexual. Usualy, gay people have this.
My gaydar SO TOTALLY says he is, like, SUPER gay.
by Total Dylan January 10, 2005
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A machine designed to detect whether or not a person or animal is homosexual or not.
It is identifiable as a silver box with a spinning satellite-dish upon it.
My gaydar is specifying that that guy over there is a flaming homosexual. Unless I'm getting interference from a gay weather-balloon.
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 25, 2003
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a extra sence similar to "spideysence" where you can detect homosexials as say radar detects flying objects
do my gaydar went of when your little brother walked into the room
by stoph March 2, 2004
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when you can tell someones gay just by looking at them
My Catholic school tips my gaydar off the fucking scale, I just turn the damn thing off, i know everyone in that school is gay.
by jimmy January 30, 2007
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The ability to tell if someone is homosexual (gay) or Bisexual, just by their personality or actions.
"How did i know you were gay? I just have gaydar."
by Oofer God July 1, 2018
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The 7th sense. A rare ability to detect one's own percentage of gayness. See also gh3yz0r.
The man with hot pink eyeliner wore an orange and purple spotted shirt and white capris that were alittle to tight at his sister's wedding. The gaydar in little Tina's mind did an Ollie.
by Phatal August 4, 2003
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the ability to spot gays by using a form of radar sold on
guy: see that guy over there, he's gay.

other guy: how can you tell?

guy: i just baught a gaydar from

other guy: does that even work?

guy: lets ask.

guy: are u gay?

mystery man: hell yes i am boyfriend!!!

guy: told u, gaydar is always spot on!
by SkyviewJuniorHigh ROX!!!! February 28, 2011
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