A man who rules over the Alnwick region in Northumberland, England; a mass producer of pink fluffy handcuffs; a famous tennis player and the owner of the multi-national corporation, All Drones and Media.
Person 1: "Look at that bloke over there!"
Person 2: "That's not just any bloke, that's Japanese General Gareth Rickaby, CEO of 'All Drones and Media' and Lord of Alnwick"
by MilianGeh March 25, 2021
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A colloquial term used in modern business when the act of email hyper-inflation of required language is performed, leading to a lack of engagement in the items raised in such emails, so as to negate their reason for being. This definition could indeed be referred to as "a bit of a Gareth".
"Here lad, did you read that email Geoff sent earlier?"

"Naw. Looked like it was a bit of a Gareth so couldn't be arsed. What was it about anyway?"

"I'd be fucked if I know. I thought the same as you..."
by Belchtwat March 27, 2019
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Gareth Day is a legend that lives in corby, he was born in the later years of the 80's and has fun times chilling out with makes,
and enjoys drinking and drugs

He is also known by the nickname Gollem
Girl: hey is that Gareth Day?
Boy: Gareth?, I thought it was Gollem
Girl: Same thing, Aids-face
by GazD May 26, 2008
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Absolute phenom currently playing as a winger for Tottenham Hotspur and Wales national team.

He's good enough to start for any team in the world.

Made a fool out of Inter Milan, champions of Europe.
Gareth Bale is absolutely ridiculous, just watch the highlights of the Tottenham v. Inter Milan 3-1 game

or the Inter Milan v. Tottenham 4-3 game where he scored a hat-trick
by Yidd November 30, 2010
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A man that has an above average size of penis is very kind but not to be taking for a fool they are also strong alpha males not to be looked at the wrong way
Dirty Gareth battered the shit out of someone who looked at him the wrong way then later went hom to be an alpha male pleasuring his lady.
by Ninjalad March 29, 2020
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Not to be confused with a ‘dirty Garfield’, there is no pussy involved with a Dirty Gareth. The Dirty Gareth defines the mutual destruction of two male anuses, specifically describing the act of anal fisting between two similar looking Middle Aged Caucasian men.
See them two men at bar, that’ll be a Dirty Gareth tonight.
by Bazza66998 February 26, 2019
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Bob was taken to hospital for minor gareth bales..
by Saltbender November 12, 2017
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