A unisexual name. Could be shortened for Francesca, or elongated from Frank.
Female- Sexy bitch, mysterious, loveable, passionate.
Male- Frank. The name describes it all. . .any male named Frank needs a name-change.
"Dayyum, that Franki girl is fuckingg FINE."
"Uhhh. . .dude, that's a guy."
"No it's NOT, she has long hair."
"Dude. . .that's his mullet."
"AHHH! That's sickk!"
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franky got this smile that makes my heart skip a beat..
by dunnos March 25, 2005
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Amazing guy who is HILARIOUS. Very rarely serious, but can be when needed. Fuckin' cute too <33
Girl one: Oh my god! that guy is soo funny! And cute too!
Girl two: Must be a Frankie ;D
by Leah West May 3, 2011
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Is yes indeed a man that is rather handsome with a large penis. Can be one classy motherfucker, but can also be the awesomest person in the world.

I would know,
And he should know.
Can have a bit of an ego at times, and can sometimes say some pretty fucked shit, but knows how to back himself up with words like a boss.

His name is commonly a version of Francis or Francisco.

The name has also been used with girls too, but it's not very common.
"See that guy over there? $20 says his name is Frankie."
by Tsuki-Melo January 6, 2012
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a commonly known sex god. the whole world worships her as she is a god. She is so sexy, and witty and has a personaitly to match her face (INCREDIBLE.) may be famous one day. the most perfect girl ever. EVERYBODY LOVES FRANKIE.
johnathan; I dont know but she is fit!
Jordan; Dont be silly thats frankie she is THE sex god.
by morgan xoxoxooxx February 4, 2011
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usually an extremely good looking person with a huge penis.
Woman 1: "wow, did you see that guy over there, he was hot!"

Woman 2: "Yeh, I bet his name was Frankie"
by Joe Langloy July 28, 2008
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Is a guy with a larger penis then you and may have had sex with your mother, sister or girlfriend because he's so handsom and girls cany resist him
Damn that that frankie he had sex with my girl friend and my sister at the same time!
by yamother69zme February 3, 2010
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