to quit commitment at the last second, not showing the responsibility of keeping a promise
Darn, @6_resell flakes on me again...
by Jellygrape February 25, 2019
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"Dude, you look fucked."
"Yeah man, I'm on flake."
by Curiosal September 21, 2014
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A flake is a friend who makes plans and does not attend the date. Or someone you can't rely on.
Ashley was supposed to call me yesterday to make a time for that playdate, but she flaked out, what a flake.
by Roxapebble May 16, 2009
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Someone who doesn't have the balls to tell you they're busy and can't hang out, but still makes plans to 'chillax' so you go out of your way to 'chill' with said flaker, only to have them flake out on you, and then give you some lame ass no ball excuse instead of just being straight up that they're a flakey flake
Per Wall 'Wanna hang out'
Dumb Girlfriend 'Hehehe OK'
Dumb Girlfriend at meet spot, No Per wall at meeting spot

Per Walls Dumb excuse 'I was skateboarding'

Dumb girlfriend crying on phone to friend 'He is such a flake'
by Dumb Girlfriend April 9, 2009
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(verb) The verb flake is probably derived from the noun flake. The verb means to act like a flake by being unreliable, particularly by not showing up at an agreed upon time or place.
"Bob flaked on me again. We were supposed to rob the theater just after the matinee crowd went in."
by BoyntonZ April 17, 2016
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A twitch streamer who promises their viewers a 24 hour stream but quits very early. This behavior is typically seen in male tft streamers who make fun of people on the autism spectrum and use attractive female streamers as beards.
Steve - "Yo Dave are you excited for K3soju's 24 hour stream tomorrow?" Dave - "hahaha excited? that dude is a hardcore flake. I'd be surprised if he lasted 6 hours."
by BlenderResidentSleeper December 26, 2019
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