When you spill maple syrup and it stains your jeans, denim jacket, or canadian tuxedo.
I had a sloppy breakfast. Now i'm rocking a canadian tye-dye all day. Unbelievable!
by Ronald Inho January 10, 2009
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when you take a shit and it has swirls of different colored browns.
The was the craziest tie-dye poop I have ever seen
by Bouch March 3, 2005
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Being very tan on some parts of your body while being very pale in others, and in between the two extremes on other parts. Usually comes with multiple modest tan lines
Jan: Woah, I was out camping all week and my clothes gave me a total tie-dye tan.

Heather: You're right! look how dark your arms are, and your stomach is still pasty!

Jan: And my legs are sort of tan
by zzzzbeachbumzzzz July 7, 2010
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Having two or more sexuality's for your preferred gender(s)
Person 1: I'm an asexual lesbian, It's called tie-dye sexual!
by ItsSoCold May 23, 2017
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A private prep school on a beautiful campus in Bel Air. Excellent academics,sports,visual arts ect. If ever you hear something bad about it from somebody who doesn't go there know this: over 200 kids try to get in each year to a school that only has up to 50 kids in each grade; most likely your source is a little sore about being rejected. the building is modeled after a white/brick stable

for grades k-6
john thomas dye school students are very smart, beautiful,AND pleasent to be around
by watisthis December 24, 2009
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a sexual act performed in which the participants smear each other with a concoction of blended fecal matter and seminal fluid (and urine if thats your kind of thing)
Do you know Rick? him and his girlfriend were on shrooms and i guess they tye dye lobster bibbed.
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