A ho-bo, loser, idiot, fool and is completely and uterly stupid in everything that they do!!!!!!!!!
by Cat March 12, 2003
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A person who can't make a single three-pointer in basketball. A Crum Bum usually has a dog named Otto that they have sex with 2-3 times a day.
"Did you see Crum Bum go 0-27 at the basketball game today? I bet hes gonna go home and drink pepsi while he fucks Otto"
by RoFroGinger January 19, 2022
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Scruff Crums appear in the scruff of a bearded man (or manly woman). They appear in cases of men eating crumbly food, in which case the crums fall into the beard. The beard being a warm and delicate area on the male body, the food stays moist and preserved. And can be edible for months after it had fallen into the scruff. In the case of beverages, beer and milk can also appear in the scruff and will marinate and season the crums.

In which case a feast is upon us.
man1: "man im so hungry"
man2: "don't worry, i got some left over scruff crums you can have"
man1: "u had any beer lately"
man2: "plenty"
man1: "oh boy, im soo keen"
by Chumscruff October 20, 2009
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A person who cannot for the life of them clear crumbs off their bed. So they sit on it, and flatten the crumbs out and until the crumbs keep collecting. Eventually Stay away from this person at all costs.
Danngg, that girl Mareyeen is a Crum bum, all she do is sit on her bed flattening crumbs.
by Cheecheez September 13, 2010
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A crum cake is a delicious desert consumed by a female off a males crum (hence the crum cake). Ideally the male decorates his crum in whip cream and chocolate along with any other interesting treats.
Eric- "Hey Finn, what did you and that girl do after dinner?"
Finn- "She had a scrumptious crum cake, then we drank brass monkeys and she had another crum cake, LOL"
Eric- "Noice Finn, Noice!"
by Frederick Crumster October 22, 2009
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A girl from Westerville, Ohio. She is the most awesome person that has ever lived and ever will. Also the most beautiful. She also kicks alot of ass in bike racing. She has never seen totoro. But she is loved by all and one day will be the queen of the universe.
Person #1: Did you just see that girl? She was the most beautiful ever!
Person #2: Yes she is, thats Brooke Crum, she's the most awesome ever
Person #1: Oooo, nice
by ian moir October 30, 2006
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someone who shows up to catch a free smoke session
damn johnny crum snatcher smoked the last of my sack
by tom hoyle March 4, 2006
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