(adj/state of mind) Lost, usually used to mean that one doesn't know what the hell's going on.
Dude, did you and Kelly get into a fight or something? I am SO Columbus on this whole sitch...
by Henry VIII August 16, 2005
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a city which i was born in. but everyone else knows that louisville kicks columbus's ass. the girls are hotter and we have a kick ass basketball,and football team. plus people here call coke "pop" which is annoying. so basically it would suck to live in columbus.
louisville owns columbus. and if u disagree u must be retarted.
by louisvilleownsu July 13, 2006
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A city in Ohio that is often referred to as the capital of the state, but that's just a lie to get all the black people in one place. First step to the glorious "Final Solution."
Ohioan 1: You ever been to Columbus?
Ohioan 2: Fuck no, I ain't black.
Ohioan 3: Can't wait for the "Final Solution" though.
Ohioan 4: I love Easton.
by Zuluhed5 March 24, 2011
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The show and tell for Columbus is Genocide.
Person 1: Did you know Christopher Columbus discovered America, what an amazing guy!
Person 2: Yes, ineed he discovered America. He is also a genocidal piece of shit who brutally attacked many native inhabitants from the west indies, fed them to dogs and alligators if they went against his wishes and of course he is the same "amazing guy" who started to cheat native americans out of their own land and stole their identity.
Person 1: Wow, he's not such a great guy after all.
by Rotten Turkey June 23, 2021
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A true hooper who nets 3's
Man he hits 3's, his name must be Columbus.
by 100%Defined March 31, 2017
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A suck-ass cowtown in central Ohio.
You: Ever heard of Columbus?

Your older brother: Yeah, it’s a suck-ass cowtown in central Ohio.

You: oh.
by Doc Awesome October 10, 2020
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That obscure moron that actually discovered The place between north and south America as well as Cuba and masicured millions. At the time it was also common knowledge that the earth was round, he thought the earth was smarter than the, um, er, "scientists" calculated
Guy1: have you heard of Columbus

Guy2:that dick who thought he was smarter than everyone
Guy1: yep that dick
by I have no idea how to spell March 28, 2021
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