1. A female or dog that literally physically holds onto you.

2. The worst case of a relationship or not actually a relationship 70% of the time. It starts off like any other relationship but the early symptoms are steep curve of attraction for the clinger so say they the subject female instantly wants a sexual relationship, they claim to love you, they quite literally fill your inbox or txt you at least 20 times a day up to 999 in severe cases though less is still subjected to extreme cases of anxiety, guilt and panic attacks, if your like me and already have anxiety you'll want to pay attention to the anti-clingy-female kit.

-Anti-anxiety agents like alcoholic beverages, xanax, etc. this will suppress your stress.
-Your cellphone carriers block number list
-Facebook privacy modifications
-Turn phone off in severe cases
Kill me now I just accidentally caught a clingy-female in the ocean of woman. Fuck...brb throwing phone into wall and downing half a bottle of k-pins.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 January 31, 2011
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when your day has been just right and you start feeling chatty for your crush as the moon appears.
"hey, feel like a glass of wine on the balcony or a bavarian beer down at the river? I'm all goody moody and super clingy. like i could literally sit in your hair!"
by Krkič April 25, 2019
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1) A chocolate wafer bar that has melted down and attached itself to other items in your bag.
"I was trying to pull the Penske file out of my briefcase but my professional presentation was foiled by the presence of a clingy kitkat."
by NoPants21 July 9, 2014
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hey whos that clingy kid over there

ryan heslin
by geiwgeasdouwhreou April 23, 2020
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Insane clingy partner that won't leave their other partners side. They literally can't be away for 5 Mins. They publically express that they are dating someone every second of the day. They are shameless and overt.
God damn it you piece of shit why are you being such a clingy jasper
by Michael McDonald May 5, 2022
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The condition a females vagina is in after not showering for at least a week. Commonly found in females in the military.
Man we were out in the field for 2 weeks and Mary finally showed me her clingy peaches.I nearly threw up!
by DocChase June 22, 2010
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