A method to assist a sleepless night.
Rub your feet together to create a motion, or in other words, to rock yourself to sleep.
"If you can't sleep, do 'The Chin'."
by Raelene May 3, 2005
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1. The lowermost part of the face
2. a 2010 graduate of Century High School in Santa Ana CA
Chin, you need to find God.
by destrosadordeculosapretados March 30, 2011
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Another name for marijuana, that is very discreet.
"Hey man you wanna go have some chin?"
"Yeah dude, lets get chinned as fuck!"
by Dr.Smeeth October 27, 2012
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(british slang): to consume a container of alcohol in such a way that your chin faces the ceiling, resulting in such rapid consumption that breathing is not possible; to chug or pound a drink.
He just chinned a whole pint!
by morethanyoucanshakeastickat August 13, 2006
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v. chinned, chin·ning
v. tr.
To hurl excessive quantities of blank-firing grenades into a room before entering.
Named after a CQB (Close Quarter Battle) instructor (Mr. Chin) who, when playing airsoft, excessively uses blank-firing grenades to clear each and every room he encounters to avoid the direct engagement of a target.
by leetabix June 27, 2006
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That chin ripped me off!
by Rayza January 22, 2004
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English slang word for cocaine mostly used in London; possibly for the effects it has on your jaw movements.
'Look at the state of 'im, gotta be on the chin'
by redliner December 26, 2005
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