When banging a woman, you have to take a pee, and rather than pull out, you let it fly.
Ruth and I were going at it when I needed to take a leak. But we were having so much fun, I just gave her a Cherokee Teakettle instead.
by ReddMeat May 28, 2009
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The act of partipating in sexual intercourse while using tobasco sauce as a lubricant. For a better "ribbed" fill, sprinkle red pepper on the lubricated penis.
After me and my girlfriend ate some cajun food, we went back to her apartment, and I gave her an extra dosage of cajun with a cheap cherokee.
by Mo Zak January 5, 2007
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Akin to a Dirty Sanchez, a man fucks a woman in the ass and then proceeds to give the girl two symmetric markings under her eyes via cock-slap or some other means. Ten points if you give a warcry and cum up her nose.
My girlfriend wanted to get more culture in the house, so I gave her some Cherokee Warpaint.
by Brocken October 2, 2007
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When you have a large penis, and you beat your dick in your stomach. Like a wardrum.
My brother was playing the Cherokee wardrum last night.
by The manliest November 13, 2017
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Something that is extrememly native (Chi-row-key)
"That native took down a bison. That's hella A.P. Cherokee!"
by S.B.K. July 14, 2008
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Claiming one has some distant Native American ancestor in order to sound more exotic or interesting when in fact no such Native American ancestor exists.

This practice is also relatively common by some American celebrities and personalities.
Larry: "And my great-great grandmother was part Choctaw and Apache."

Bob: "Larry, that's BS, your paternal grandparents where German immigrants and your maternal grandparents were Irish immigrants. You sound like you have a case of Cherokee Grandmother Syndrome."


James: "Hey did you hear Elizabeth Warren is 1/32nd Cherokee?"

Dustin: "Pff, yeah sure man"
by TheDrummer1 September 8, 2012
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Leaving the bar without informing any of the people you came with. Usually occurs after consuming large amounts of alcohol and you get the sudden overwhelming need to be home. Also can be used when you leave the bar with someone who was not in your original group without letting anyone know.
Hey guys...sorry I pulled a Cherokee Fade Away last night. I was loaded!
by DeniseGS December 15, 2008
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