Carpet Muncher; a girl or group of girls that are totally obsessed with one another, almost to the point of being lesbianic.

Can also be used as a verb when referring to actions that are being done with other girls or "CMs".
"Happy birthday lover! Here's that 3 carat diamond floating necklace you wanted...Only the best for my CM!"

"Yeah the CMs aren't coming out tonight...they're probably running around their apartment doing nude sit ups or discussing their sex lives..."

On an away message: "you fine, but I ain't gon' sweat ya': CM'n with my ladies ;-)"
by BirdGirl April 5, 2007
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constant menstrual syndrome a longer form of pms.
Since my girlfriend has cms,she is always pissed at me.
by Gus666 January 27, 2008
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CM is abbreviation of the term "Certain Man". CM is a description of a rock bottom rated member of society due to their dull and foolish antics.
An example of a CM type of person would be someone who plays microstars like they are real players or collects sports games with the intention of not playing them.
by Mobuku DeKlonku September 16, 2013
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An abbreviation of "cotton mouth", a term to describe the feeling of thirst you sometimes get in your mouth, no matter how much water you drink to attempt to quench it. It feels lie there is cotton in your mouth absorbing all of the liquid in your mouth and throat.
I went home and drank 3 shot-glasses full of pure lemon juice to try to end the cotton mouth I had.
by SHIBBY-ONE April 17, 2005
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cum strand - a strand of penis excretion
i have a cm comin out of my ear
by joe December 18, 2004
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I hope me and we'll be cm Next year

Yeah she's my CM

Are you a CM of Mel
by EnglishNoob April 13, 2016
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The phrase used in a questioning manner to ask an individual their penis length. (in centimeter)
Short way of asking "What is your penis' length in centimeter?". The answering side would often also use "cm" as an acronym.
A: Hey guys what's the cm?
B: My cm is off the charts.
C: Let's not talk about cm guys...
by Cm-guy December 26, 2017
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